Destination : LINCOLN Our organising hosts this year were Mick & Betty Stracey. The reunion was held at The Bentley Hotel. During the week-end 20/21 May 2011 The formal dinner was held on the Saturday night.
82nd Entry Reunion 2011
Bentley Priory Hotel, Lincoln.
The gods shone on us again and we were blessed with fine weather for our annual gathering. The financial climate must have been taking its toll, as numbers were down a little. Sickness had also been a factor. With the gathering of the clan on Friday afternoon, being greeted by our hosts Mick and betty Stracey, much ale was quaffed as everyone caught up with the gossipof the last 12 months, until it time to prepare for the evening meal. Saturday shone forth and most of the party made their way into Lincoln for the day. Mike and Betty had organised special entry into the magnificent Cathedral and Castle. Great interest was taken in the special events, that just happened to be taking place that weekend. The formal meal took place on Saturday evening, where one and all wined and dined heartily, Mike Pond gave his annual oration, keeping all up to speed with the happenings throughout the year within our membership. Unfortunately all his news was not good, Mike had had a troubled year with Eileen, who does seem to be on the road to recovery. Condolences went to Nigel (Bacon) who lost Brenda during the year, it was good to see him attending and everyone wished him well. A big thank you to Mick and Betty who not only organised the hotel and dinners, but also did so much to help so many of us to enjoy our day out in Lincoln. Hope to see you all next year at Wokingham, all the details are on site.
3 U/T Bell Ringers
Hosts Betty & Mick
The Gateway to Lincoln Castle
Keep the OLD banner flying